Hints and Tips

We suggest that you enter the wash bay from the alley side and exit onto the highway. The alley can get muddy and you won't want to drive your vehicle through that once it's cleaned. Entering this way will also allow for room to line up without blocking the vacuum area and exit onto the highway.
The car wash requires $2 to start. Loonies or toonies can be used for additional time after the start. You shouldn't turn the selector to the "Off" position until you are completely finished with your wash as it will reset the cycles and require a toonie to start again.
You can start washing your car using the "pre-soak" feature, and the "tire cleaner" feature. These cycles use a low-pressure system and a highly concentrated soap to help strip off road film, bugs, and stubborn dirt. Once that's done, you can continue with the soap cycle.
Using the "soap" cycle, wash your vehicle, starting at the top and working your way down. Hold the wand 20 to 30 cm from your vehicle's surface and wash in a steady side-to-side motion covering the entire surface. Wash thoroughly inside your wheel wells, as dirt and salt can collect there, and automatic car washes can't reach this area effectively. You can also wash your vinyl or carpet car mats by using the clamps along the bay wall. Carpet mats should be brought indoors to dry during cold weather.
If dirt and grime are more stubborn and stuck to your car, you may need to use the foam brush... turn the selector to "Foam Brush". Check that the brush head has no sand or other gritty bits caught in it, if it does give it a rinse with the wand. The brush is good for removing dirt that's adhered to the finish and it helps give your wheels that extra shine. To prevent scratching your car's finish, never use the brush without the foam and use the wand to wash the heavy grime from your car before applying the brush .
Rinse your vehicle from top to bottom for a spot-free finish with the "rinse" cycle.
Now you can apply a coat of Rain-X and or wax if you like. Turn the selector to the "Rain-X" or "wax" cycle and apply it to your car's wet surface. These cycles are low pressure. Rain-X repels and beads the water while protecting your car's surface The wax helps protect your vehicle's finish and enhance its shine. It doesn't need to be applied every time you wash, but once a month is a good idea.
Apply a light rinse again after applying the wax / Rain-X to avoid spotting.
Wash your car regularly to avoid baked on grime and dirt that will take more time to remove at the car wash.
The car wash requires $2 to start. Loonies or toonies can be used for additional time after the start. You shouldn't turn the selector to the "Off" position until you are completely finished with your wash as it will reset the cycles and require a toonie to start again.
You can start washing your car using the "pre-soak" feature, and the "tire cleaner" feature. These cycles use a low-pressure system and a highly concentrated soap to help strip off road film, bugs, and stubborn dirt. Once that's done, you can continue with the soap cycle.
Using the "soap" cycle, wash your vehicle, starting at the top and working your way down. Hold the wand 20 to 30 cm from your vehicle's surface and wash in a steady side-to-side motion covering the entire surface. Wash thoroughly inside your wheel wells, as dirt and salt can collect there, and automatic car washes can't reach this area effectively. You can also wash your vinyl or carpet car mats by using the clamps along the bay wall. Carpet mats should be brought indoors to dry during cold weather.
If dirt and grime are more stubborn and stuck to your car, you may need to use the foam brush... turn the selector to "Foam Brush". Check that the brush head has no sand or other gritty bits caught in it, if it does give it a rinse with the wand. The brush is good for removing dirt that's adhered to the finish and it helps give your wheels that extra shine. To prevent scratching your car's finish, never use the brush without the foam and use the wand to wash the heavy grime from your car before applying the brush .
Rinse your vehicle from top to bottom for a spot-free finish with the "rinse" cycle.
Now you can apply a coat of Rain-X and or wax if you like. Turn the selector to the "Rain-X" or "wax" cycle and apply it to your car's wet surface. These cycles are low pressure. Rain-X repels and beads the water while protecting your car's surface The wax helps protect your vehicle's finish and enhance its shine. It doesn't need to be applied every time you wash, but once a month is a good idea.
Apply a light rinse again after applying the wax / Rain-X to avoid spotting.
Wash your car regularly to avoid baked on grime and dirt that will take more time to remove at the car wash.